Videos & podcasts

Videos & Podcasts


“On the precariat with Guy Standing”, Where Shall We Meet?, 11 December 2024. Podcast

“Why privatization is fueling inequality”, Lost Dollar Business Club, 19 October 2024. Podcast

“How rentier capitalism is destroying democracy and equality”, Lost Dollar Business Club, 27 September 2024. Podcast

“Fetichizing jobs”, The Political Orphanage, 19 September 2024. Podcast

Contributor to The Waste Land, a film by Chris Teerink illustrating the poem by T.S. Elliot, released April 2024. Trailer

“Guy Standing: The plunder of the commons”, Social Europe podcast, 20 February 2024. Podcast

“Guy Standing - The politics of time”, EthosVO, 24 January 2024. Podcast

“Guy Standing: ‘To be in the precariat is like running on sinking sand’”, Eteron (Greece), 24 January 2024. Video and transcript


“The plunder of the commons”, The Political Orphanage, 20 September 2023. Podcast

“Universal basic income with Professor Guy Standing (part 2) - how do we practically make it happen, and what will the impact be?”, The Morality of Everyday Things - Philosophy Podcast, 26 July 2023. Podcast

“Universal basic income with Professor Guy Standing (part 1) - what is the moral justification for giving everyone free money”, The Morality of Everyday Things - Philosophy Podcast, 19 July 2023 . Podcast

“Why are windfarms turning record profits for the Crown Estate?”, Science Weekly (The Guardian), 4 July 2023. Podcast

“Proud to be a commoner”, The Water We Swim In, 3 July 2023. Podcast

“Guy Standing: Protecting our shared wealth”, System Shift (Greenpeace), 25 May 2023. Podcast

“Heterodox approaches to the commons and the blue sea”, Matters - Public Policy, 11 May 2023. Podcast

“Will universal basic income become mainstream?” (panel discussion), The Stream - Al Jazeera, 11 April 2023. Video

“The importance of the blue commons and basic income”, Episode 8, The Value Exchange (Ethos), 8 April 2023. Video and podcast

“The people’s platform: Special international edition’ (in which Guy Standing argues that resources from an IMF loan to Sri Lanka should be used to fund a basic income), Newsfirst Sri Lanka, 25 March 2023. Video

“Trick or treaty: The high seas agreement”, The Naked Scientists, 21 March 2023. Podcast

“Arm trotz Arbeit - Die Krise der Mittelschicht [Poor despite work: The crisis of the middle class]”, participation in documentary for ARTEde, 10 January 2023. Video [publicly available to watch until 10 January 2024]


“On common ground”, Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd, 12 September 2022. Podcast

“Guy Standing: ‘El capitalismo rentista es el triunfo de los derechos de propiedad privada sobre las fuerzas del mercado’” [“Rentier capitalism is the triumph of private property rights over market forces”] (interview), Radio Perfil (Argentina), 6 August 2022. Podcast

“Guy Standing: How blue commons can transform the economy of the sea”, Frontiers of Commoning, 1 July 2022. Podcast

“Is basic income the solution?”, The Mindful Wealth Podcast, 19 April 2022. Podcast

“Rentier capitalism and the emergence of the precariat”, The Mindful Wealth Podcast, 5 April 2022. Podcast


“Guy Standing: Power to the precariat”, Renegade Inc, 6 December 2021. Video

“Basic income: A new political system on the rise: How would basic income work in practice”, Unbox Your World, 15 October 2021. Podcast

“The value of the commons with Guy Standing: Work, class and anger in the precariat”, Policy Forum Pod, Asia and the Pacific Policy Society, 26 August 2021. Podcast

“Chronic corruption’ & neoliberal capitalism’s role in Boris Johnson’s Britain’s 🇬🇧 COVID disaster”, RT Going Underground, 31 May 2021. Video

“Why we should all have a basic income”, RSA Bridges to the Future, 18 May 2021. Podcast

“What is UBI? - Part 1”, Let’s Try UBI, Citizen’s Basic Income Trust, 15 February 2021. Podcast

“Basic income with Guy Standing - Part 2” in the Is the Economy Stupid? series by Rethinking Economics Italia, 8 February 2021. Podcast

“Basic income with Guy Standing - Part 1” in the Is the Economy Stupid? series by Rethinking Economics Italia, 25 January 2021. Podcast


“The precariat”, Podcast 7, Ina O’Murchu, 18 December 2020. Podcast

“Guy Standing on UBI”, A Brighter Tomorrow Episode 2, 12 December 2020. Podcast

“Podcast: The wellbeing economy - universal basic income with Guy Standing”, Asia and the Pacific Policy Forum, Australian National University, 20 November 2020. Podcast

“Guy Standing: ‘Il reddito universale? Con la pandemia è diventato un imperativo economico’ – L’intervista [Guy Standing: ‘Universal basic income? With the pandemic it has become an economic imperative’ - Interview]”, Open (Italy), 13 November 2020. Podcast

“Guy Standing - MR. 19 Nov 2016”, interview with PO Forsström, posted 26 October 2020. Video

Participation in The Cost of Living: Do We Need a Basic Income?, documentary film produced by Gadfly Productions, released 8 October 2020. Video

“The basic income imperative” (podcast), Sydney Ideas, 24 September 2020. Podcast

“Mayday - Basic income: Building resilience” (podcast hosted by Are We Europe), Bozar Brussels, 21 September 2020. Podcast

“Basic Income UK: In conversation with Guy Standing”, Basic Income UK, 21 September 2020. Video

“Can you afford to be green if you’re not rich”, participation in Who Cares Wins with Lily Cole, Episode 3, 10 September 2020. Podcast

“Battling eight giants: Basic income now - Guy Standing” (podcast), Between the Lines, Season 2, Episode 12, 9 September 2020. Podcast

“Against rentier capitalism: David Graeber, Michael Hudson & Guy Standing”, Spectre TV, 4 September 2020. Video [This discussion was recorded on 1 May 2020 and posted “in loving memory of David Graeber” who died on 2 September 2020 at the tragically early age of 59.]

“Universal basic income the answer to inequality?” (podcast), Change I M Possible (India), 24 August 2020. Video

“Can we afford NOT to have a BIG in South Africa?” (podcast), Rewired (South Africa), 24 August 2020. Podcast

“A quarantini with Guy Standing and universal basic income” (podcast), The Quarantini Podcast Episode 18, 17 August 2020. Podcast

“Universal basic income: Massive Attack x Young Fathers - Eutopia EP”, posted by Massive Attack, 10 July 2020. Video :: Spanish version :: French version :: German version :: Italian version

“Interview with Professor Guy Standing - Universal basic income”, The Earthly Delights Podcast no.19, 6 July 2020. Podcast

"What matters - episode 3, with Professor Guy Standing” (podcast on basic income in the UK), Compassion in Politics, 5 July 2020. Podcast

“Basic income could end poverty”, conversation at a virtual Drink with the Idler, 2 July 2020. Video

“Interdependence 6 - Professor Guy Standing” on the precariat and basic income, Interdependence, 23 June 2020. Podcast

“The plutocracy of the 21st century: What is rentier capitalism?”, Episode 58, Another Europe, 4 June 2020. Podcast

“Universal basic income - in conversation with Guy Standing”, Episode 10 of It’s Bloody Complicated, Compass Online, 26 May 2020. Podcast

“The time is now for a universal basic income”, video produced by Sustainable Human with narration by Guy Standing, posted 24 April 2020. Video

“Economics, politics and society after Covid-19”, debate with Vince Cable hosted by the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI), 21 April 2020. Video

“Is basic income the answer after Covid-19?” (interview), The Doctor’s Kitchen, 20 April 2020. Podcast

“Basic income to combat Covid-19?” (interview), QuickTake by Bloomberg, 9 April 2020. Video

“Guy Standing’s eight giants and the potential for UBI” (interview), Digital Finance Analytics (Australia), 25 March 2020. Video :: Podcast

“Irresponsible to have a budget during a coronavirus pandemic! - Guy Standing” (interview), RT Going Underground, 11 March 2020. Video


“Universal basic income - Guy Standing” (interview), Dezentrum (Switzerland), 11 November 2019. Podcast

“Guy Standing on rentier capitalism and the precariat” (interview), A Correction, 7 November 2019. Podcast

“Plunder of the commons: A manifesto for sharing public wealth” (podcast), Social Europe, 30 September 2019. Watch :: Listen

“The precariat” (interview), Natural Born Alchemist, 4 August 2019. Podcast

“Renegade Inc: Rentier Britain: All the rent goes to the 1%” (interview), RT UK, 15 July 2019. Video

“What’s behind the decline of the European Left?” (interview), debate with Roberto Unger and Luis Arroyo, TRT World (Turkish public broadcaster), 21 May 2019. Watch

“Guy Standing: How fighting climate change can deliver a universal basic income” (interview), RT Going Underground, 8 May 2019. Watch :: Podcast

“Dan Schneider video interview #262: More on universal basic income” (video interview), Cosmoetica, 6 March 2019. Watch

“Guy Standing explains precariat and how it is shaping world and India” (video interview), Business Today (India), 3 March 2019. Watch


“Arguments for universal basic income” (interview), Sputnik International, 15 September 2018. Listen

"Guy Standing: The basic income is a fundamental emancipator policy" (interview), Pressenza International Press Agency, 23 August 2018. View & video

“Guy Standing on work, inequality and the precariat”, King’s Transnational Law Summit 2018, 25 June 2018. Video

"Guy Standing: Universal basic income debate and Finland's experiment" (interview), tbs eFM This Morning (South Korea), 8 May 2018.

“Guy Standing: Making basic income a reality” (interview), Future Thinkers, 23 April 2018. Podcast

Participant in discussion on "The working class in culture", Free Thinking, BBC Radio 3, 31 January 2018. Listen

"Professor Guy Standing - on the need for a universal basic income" (interview), AlwaysPossible, January 2018.


"Chatbots, automation and basic income" (podcast), Onlim, 1 November 2017. Reposted as “The precariat”, Podcast 7, Ina O’Murchu, 18 December 2020. Podcast

"Less work and more leisure: Utopian visions and the future of work" (interview), CBC/Radio Canada, 27 September 2017. Listen

"Platform capitalism, digital technology and the future of work" (interview), CBC/Radio Canada, 20 September 2017. Listen

„Óöryggið eykst og launin lækka [Insecurity increases and wages decline]" (interview), RÚV news agency (Iceland), 13 September 2017. View & watch

"Guy Standing on why universal basic income is gathering momentum" (interview), National Business Review NBR Radio (New Zealand), 3 September 2017. Listen

"Guy Standing - Basic income and how we can make it happen" (interview), Informed Choice Radio, 16 May 2017. Listen

"Big Money Questions: Would a universal basic income work?" (interview), thisismoney, 16 May 2017. Watch

Participation in "A basic income for all?", Business Daily, BBC World Service, 26 April 2017. Listen

"The existential threat to free healthcare services such as the NHS" (interview), Sputnik, 24 March 2017. Listen

"Fronteiras XXI: Qual o futuro do trabalho? Participe no debate [Frontiers XXI: What is the future of work? Participate in our debate]" (interview), RTP Notícias (Portugal), 20 March 2017. Video

"The weeks update: Would a guaranteed income work" (interview), Share Radio, 24 January 2017.


"The weeks update: Capitalism corrupted" (interview), Share Radio, 22 November 2016.

Interview on rentier capitalism and basic income on Sputnik RT, Episode 146, 15 October 2016. Watch

Discussion of The Corruption of Capitalism on 'Thinking Allowed', BBC Radio 4, 12 October 2016. Listen

Participation in "Il pianeta dei robot [The planet of the robots], Presa Diretta - RAI3, 5 September 2016. Watch

"The corruption of capitalism" (interview), RT Going Underground (UK), 17 August 2016. Watch Part I :: Watch Part II

"A basic income, or the end of the welfare state" (edited interview), New Policy Forum Pod (Australia), 15 July 2016. Listen

“Guy Standing: basic income” (full interview), New Policy Forum Pod (Australia), 15 July 2016. Listen

"Swiss reject guaranteed free money" (interview), ABC News (Australia), 6 June 2016.

"Pracují na částečné úvazky, bez jistot a kariéry. Prekariát balancuje na existenční hraně [They work part-time, without security and career. Precariat teetering on the edge of subsistence]" (interview), Czech Radio, 16 May 2016. View and listen

"Universal basic income: The year of the pilot" (interview), Radio Sputnick, 13 May 2016. Listen 

"Is a universal basic income now essential?" (interview), Radio Sputnick, 29 April 2016. Listen

"A hidden threat to the new working class: The precariat class" (interview), TherapyCable, 16 April 2016. Watch

"NZ can't be smug or complacent, economist warns" (interview), Q&A, TVNZ (New Zealand), 19 March 2016. Watch

Participation in debate on basic income, Newshour Extra, BBC World Service, 4 March 2016. Listen

Participation in "Means to an End", a documentary film on basic income by Envisuals (UK), February 2016. Watch

Participation in "The Great British Benefits Handout", a documentary film series on Channel 5 (UK), first episode 9 February 2016.


"Democracy is public space at its richest" (interview), Public Space, 10 November 2015. Video

"Temporary and part-time: The rise of a new precarious workforce" (interview), National Public Radio (US), 20 September 2015. Listen

"Keiser report: The precariat - the dangerous new class" (interview), RT, 1 August 2015. Watch

Discussion of the precariat and precariat charter with Prof Laurie Taylor on "Thinking Allowed", BBC Radio 4, 17 June 2015. Podcast

Participation in "Money for free", VPRO Backlight (Netherlands), 12 April 2015. Watch (English version)

"The precariat" (interview), RTE Radio 1: The Business (Ireland), 4 April 2015.

"El precariado se está convirtiendo en una nueva clase social [The precariat is becoming a new social class]" (interview), Diagonal Global (Spain), 1 March 2015. Video

"Guy Standing - The precariat charter" (interview), Radio New Zealand, 22 February 2015. Listen

"El precariado/The precariat - Guy Standing" (interview), AttacTV, 11 February 2015. Video


Participation in television documentary "Iedereen een basisinkomen [A basic income for everybody]", Canvas Panorama (Belgium), 18 December 2014.

"The precariat charter: Interview with Guy Standing", The Bristol Cable, 5 November 2014. Video

"Transitions for society: Job guarantee and basic income" (interview), Prosocial Progress Foundation, 14 October 2014. Watch

Interview on the precariat and basic income with Medborgargolvsprojektet (Sweden), in English with Swedish subtitles, 10 June 2014. Watch

Participation in BBC radio debate "Fit for purpose - trade unions", BBC Radio 4, broadcast 28 and 31 May 2014.

"'Wrong-headed economics': For and against unconditional basic income", debate with Liam Halligan and Frances Coppola hosted by World Finance, 14 May 2014. Video and transcript

Participation in "Østarbejdernes bagmænd", Danish television documentary on labour brokers, focusing on Ireland-based Atlanco Rimec and Poland's Budomex, broadcast 12 May 2014.

"SOAS academic talking about the precariat", address to Day 2: Justice for Cleaners Strike, SOAS, 15 March 2014. Watch 

"Young people part of a new class called precariat", "Globalization key to why young people part of precariat" and "Danger, fear and hope in the precariat" (Parts 1-3 of interview),jadamsjournalist, 7 March 2014. Listen

"The precariat: The young left behind by globalization" (interview), Michael Cross, 9 January 2014. Listen


"Professor Guy Standing: Prekariatet - den nya farliga klassen" (interview), Sveriges Radio (Sweden), 3 October 2013. Listen

"Det farliga prekariatet - om en otrygg arbetsmarknad [The dangerous precariat: About an insecure labour market]" (interview), Sveriges Radio (Sweden), 28 May 2013. Listen

"The precariat - the making of a new class" (interview), Pod Academy, 27 May 2013. Podcast

"The right to make a basic income" (interview), RT The Big Picture (Thom Hartmann, Washington DC), 1 April 2013. Video

"Conversazione con Guy Standing" (interview), Fahrenheit, RAI (Italy), 15 March 2013. Podcast

"Basic income and the precariat" (interview), Radio New Zealand, 9 February 2013. Listen


"De osäkra anställningarna [Uncertain employment]" (interview), Swedish Radio, 30 November 2012. Listen

"The weekend" (interview), "Thinking Allowed", BBC, 18 November 2012. Podcast

"The emerging class of the precariat" (interview), "Nine to Noon", Radio New Zealand, 19 March 2012. Listen

Radio interview with Margaret Throsby (including music choices), ABC Classic FM (Australia), 9 February 2012.  

"The dangers of the rising global protest movement" (interview), ABC News (Australia), 9 February 2012. Listen

"Solidariteit met de stakers, nadenken in Davos en de val van de middenklasse", Terzake (Belgian TV), 27 January 2012.


Radio interview on the Precariat with FM4 (Vienna), 17 October 2011.

"Barely making ends meet in the flexible labour market" (video interview), The Guardian, 16 February 2011. Watch