Recent Publications

Recent Publications


The Politics of Time: Gaining Control in the Age of Uncertainty (London: Penguin, 2023). Details

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class - Special Covid-19 Edition (London: Bloomsbury, 2021)Details

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class - Special Covid-19 Edition (London: Bloomsbury, 2021)



The Blue Commons: Rescuing the Economy of the Sea (London: Penguin, 2022). Details

Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now (London: Bloomsbury, 2020)Details

Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now (London: Bloomsbury, 2020)


The Corruption of Capitalism (Third edition with new introduction, 2021)Details

The Corruption of Capitalism (Third edition with new introduction, 2021)


Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth (London: Penguin, 2019).Details ● Translations

Plunder of the Commons: A Manifesto for Sharing Public Wealth (London: Penguin, 2019).


Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen (London: Penguin, 2017).Details ● Translations ● Video

Basic Income: And How We Can Make It Happen (London: Penguin, 2017).


The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay (London: Biteback, hardback 2016; paperback 2017).Details ● Translations

The Corruption of Capitalism: Why Rentiers Thrive and Work Does Not Pay (London: Biteback, hardback 2016; paperback 2017).


Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India (with S. Davala, R. Jhabvala and S.Kapoor Mehta (London and New Delhi: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015).Details

Basic Income: A Transformative Policy for India (with S. Davala, R. Jhabvala and S. Kapoor Mehta (London and New Delhi: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015).


A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014).Translations ● Details

A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014).


The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011; Second edition 2014; Third edition [Revelations series] 2016).Video ● Translations ● Details

The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011; Second edition 2014; Third edition [Revelations series] 2016).


A full list of books can be found here.


‘Recovery dividends’: An Emergency Basic Income for Palestine (Ramallah: Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), February 2024). PDF

Feasibility Analysis of Basic Income for Women in Nepal, with Sarath Davala, Sujatha Srinivasan and Ram Narayan Shrestha, for UN Development Programme, Nepal and UN Women, Nepal (Chennai, India: LEAD (Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development) at Krea University, March 2023). PDF

Basic Income as Common Dividends: Piloting a Transformative Policy. A Report for the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (London: Progressive Economy Forum, May 2019). PDF

“Development and basic income: An emerging economic model’ (with Ian Orton) in D. Barrowclough (ed.), The Ins and Outs of Inclusive Finance: Some Lessons from Microfinance and Basic Income (New York and Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2018). PDF

A Little More, How Much It Is...: Piloting Basic Income Transfers in Madhya Pradesh, India (New Delhi: SEWA Bharat supported by UNICEF India Office, January 2014). Executive summary :: Full report

A full list of reports can be found here. A full list of working papers can be found here.

Book Chapters

“Crear un fondo de capital común [Building a commons capital fund]” in B. Lain (ed.), Ni público ni privado, ¿sinon común? Usos, conceptos y comunidades en torno a los bienes comunes y la(s) propiedad(es) (Manresa, Spain: Bellaterra Edicions, 2023). English text

“The era of chronic uncertainty: A transformational opportunity”, in K. Arabadjieva et al. (eds), Transformative Ideas - Ensuring a Just Share of Progress for All (Brussels: European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 2023), pp.105-120. Text

“Privatization, poverty and responsible leadership”, in M. Saks, Responsible Leadership Essential to the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (London and New York: Routledge, 2022), p.103.-110.

“Work and commoning: The past as the future”, in R. Hafner, R. Nilsson and M. Thörnkvist, We Work, We Share, We Care: Value Creation in an Era of Climate Disruption (Malmö: Media Evolution, 2022).

“Gender inequality in times of COVID-19 - give women cash”, in UNESCO, Basic Income - On Data and Policy (Paris: UNESCO Policy Papers 02, 2021). Text

“Revive the commons!’, in P. Allen, S.J. Konzelmann and J. Toporowski (eds), The Return of the State: Restructuring Britain for the Common Good (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing, 2021).

“The precariat in platform capitalism”, in M. Coeckelbergh et al. (eds), Envisioning Robots in Society – Power, Politics, and Public Space (E-book, IOS Press, 2018). Abstract

“Rentier capitalism and the precariat: The case for a commons fund”, in J. McDonnell (ed.), Economics for the Many (London and New York: Verso, 2018), pp.195-206.

"Taskers in the precariat: Confronting an emerging dystopia", in E. Paus (ed.), Confronting Dystopia: The New Technological Revolution and the Future of Work (Ithaca, NY, and London: ILR Press, 2018), pp.115-133.

"How to combat inequalities produced by global capitalism" in P. van Parijs (ed.), Basic Income and the Left: A European Debate (London: Social Europe, 2018). View original article

"Basic income pilots: A better option than quantitative easing" in P. van Parijs (ed.), Basic Income and the Left: A European Debate (London: Social Europe, 2018). View original article

"Precariato" in G. Battiston and G. Marcon (eds), La sinistra che verrà: le parole chiave per cambiare [The left that will come: The key words for change] (Rome: Edizioni minimum fax, 2018), pp. 181-189.

A full list of book chapters can be found here.

Articles in Refereed Journals

“Basic income pilots: Uses, limitations and design principles”, Basic Income Studies, 16(1), June 2021, pp.75-99. PDF

“Basic income as common dividends: A rejoinder”, Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 40(2), Winter 2019, pp.239-245.

“The precariat in China: A comment on conceptual confusion”, Rural China, Vol.14, No.1, 2017, pp.165-170.

A full list of journal articles can be found here.

Other Journal Articles

“Precarity and prospects for commoning: A conversation with Guy Standing”, Emancipations, 1(3), August 2022, Article 6. PDF

"Entrevista a Guy Standing: 'Los nuevos avances technológicos están agravando las desigualdades económicas y fortaleciendo el capitalismo rentista' [Interview with Guy Standing: 'The new technological advances are aggravating economic inequalities and strengthening rentier capitalism']", Empleo precario : un salto al vacío, Papeles de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global, No.140, Winter 2017/18, pp. 167-171. PDF

A full list of journal articles can be found here.

Articles and Interviews (Selected)

“‘Todos los viejos modelos de estado del bienestar desaparecieron hace tiempo.’ Entrevista a Guy Standing [‘All the old welfare state models are long gone.’ Interview with Guy Standing]”, Sin Permiso (Spain), 11 June 2024. View

“Die Reichsten sahnen ab [The richest reap the rewards]”, Welt-Sichten (Germany), No.3, 2024, pp.22-24.

Contributor to The Waste Land, a film by Chris Teerink illustrating the poem by T.S. Elliot, released April 2024. Trailer

“Why we need a ‘politics of time’” (article), Apolitical, 29 January 2024. View

“Land ownership and the commons”, It’s Bloody Complicated (Compass, UK), 28 November 2023. Podcast

“The politics of time: Gaining control in the age of uncertainty” (blog), The Forum Network (OECD), 22 November 2023. View

“Labour statistics were devised for an age of closed economies” (letter), Financial Times, 13 November 2023. View

“The politics of time: Gaining control in the age of uncertainty” (article), IAI News (Institute of Arts and Ideas), 9 November 2023. View

“Time bandits” (article), The Idler, 26 October 2023. View

“Economist Guy Standing: Asking people who have been hit by the economy to work harder and be stronger will only be counterproductive” (interview), Jiemian News (China), 24 October 2023. View

“The next great sea battle” (interview), The Daily Upside, 2 October 2023. View

“Basic income: Sufficient evidence, now politics”, BIEN News Bulletin, September-October 2023. Text

“The plunder of the commons”, The Political Orphanage, 20 September 2023. Podcast

“Europe must unite to stop deep-sea resource grab” (blog), Social Europe, 6 September 2023. View

“We must stop unjust deep sea resource grab” (blog), Ocean Rebellion, 22 August 2023. View

“Countries must unite to stave off the threat of a deep-sea resource grab” (article), Financial Times, 10 August 2023. View

“How the monarchy cashes in on our seabed” (article), Prospect, 19 July 2023. View

“Universal basic income with Professor Guy Standing (part 2) - how do we practically make it happen, and what will the impact be?”, The Morality of Everyday Things - Philosophy Podcast, 26 July 2023. Podcast

“Universal basic income with Professor Guy Standing - what is the moral justification for giving everyone free money”, The Morality of Everyday Things - Philosophy Podcast, 19 July 2023 . Podcast

“A revolution by stealth? Basic income experiments proliferate” (blog), International Public Policy Observatory, 19 July 2023. View

“David Lammy: please lead on deep sea mining” (article), Labour Hub, 17 July 2023. View

“The biggest gold rush in history is about to start in the deep sea - leaving devastation in its wake” (article), The Guardian, 7 July 2023. View

“Why are windfarms turning record profits for the Crown Estate?”, Science Weekly (The Guardian), 4 July 2023. Podcast

“Standing: The blue commons and the NIEO [New International Economic Order] at sea” (article), Progressive International, 3 July 2023. View

“Guy Standing: Protecting our shared wealth”, System Shift (Greenpeace), 25 May 2023. Podcast

“Heterodox approaches to the commons and the blue sea”, Matters - Public Policy, 11 May 2023. Podcast

“Will universal basic income become mainstream?” (panel discussion), The Stream - Al Jazeera, 11 April 2023. Video

“The importance of the blue commons and basic income”, Episode 8, The Value Exchange (Ethos), 8 April 2023. Video and podcast

“Britain needs a ministry of the sea” (article), apolitical, 4 April 2023. View

“Salmon farming: There should be a commons levy” (article), Ocean Rebellion, 2 April 2023. View

“The people’s platform: Special international edition’ (in which Guy Standing argues that resources from an IMF loan to Sri Lanka should be used to fund a basic income), Newsfirst Sri Lanka, 25 March 2023. Video

“Trick or treaty: The high seas agreement”, The Naked Scientists, 21 March 2023. Podcast

“Der Lebensstandard der Mehrheit sinkt [The living standard of the majority falls]” (interview), Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland), 14 March 2023. View

“La renta básica ofrece resiliencia: ¿por qué los socialistas se oponen? [Basic income offers resilience: Why do the socialists oppose it?]” (article), El Periodico (Catalonia, Spain), 9 March 2023. View :: English version

“UN high seas treaty is a triumph, but it will need teeth to be effective” (letter), The Guardian, 6 March 2023. View

“Guy Standing - Can Labour de-commodify higher education? It has a minor problem” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 31 January 2023. View

“Arm trotz Arbeit - Die Krise der Mittelschicht [Poor despite work: The crisis of the middle class]”, participation in documentary for ARTEde, 10 January 2023. Video [publicly available to watch until 10 January 2024]

“UK shows flaws of using numerical targets to protect fisheries” (letter), Financial Times, 29 December 2022.

“Can COP15 protect ocean biodiversity from the big fish of the ‘blue economy’?”, The Guardian, 12 December 2022. View

“Here’s why the UN’s Law of the Sea needs an overhaul” (blog), World Economic Forum, 12 December 2022. View

“Rescuing the sea? UNCLOS at 40” (blog), The Forum Network (OECD), 29 November 2022. View

“Rescuing the sea? UNCLOS at 40” (blog), Ocean Rebellion, 4 November 2022. View

“Progressives should embrace eco-fiscal policy: A commons capital fund” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 27 October 2022. View

“The left must embrace fiscal restructuring” (blog), Social Europe, 25 October 2022. View

“Labour must revive the blue commons” (blog), Labour Hub, 19 October 2022. View

“On common ground”, Reasons to be Cheerful with Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd, 12 September 2022. Podcast

“An era of chronic uncertainty: Time for basic income” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 5 September 2022. View

“Guy Standing: ‘I’ve come to believe that a basic income is a right of every individual in every society’” (interview), Buenos Aires Times, 19 August 2022. View

“Guy Standing: ‘El capitalismo rentista es el triunfo de los derechos de propiedad privada sobre las fuerzas del mercado’” [“Rentier capitalism is the triumph of private property rights over market forces”] (interview), Radio Perfil (Argentina), 6 August 2022. Podcast

“Guy Standing: ‘La trampa de la pobreza: hacer esfuerzos por dejar de ser pobre es perder el subsidio’” [“The poverty trap: To make an effort to stop being poor is to lose the benefit”] (interview), Perfil (Argentina), 6 August 2022. View

“How private corporations stole the sea from the commons” (blog), Open Democracy, 28 July 2022. View

“The blue commons: Combating rentier capitalism in the sea” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 18 July 2022. View

“Guy Standing: How blue commons can transform the economy of the sea”, Frontiers of Commoning, 1 July 2022. Podcast

“The US and UK made Russia’s invasion of Ukraine possible. I saw it happen”, Open Democracy, 20 April 2022. View Republished as “The neoliberal origins of Russia’s war’, Progressive Economy Forum, 21 April 2022. View

“Big tech meets big finance", contribution to GTI Forum Technology and the Future, Great Transition Initiative, February 2022. PDF

“DWP rule change amounts to a cruel dual punishment of jobseekers” (letter), The Guardian, 30 January 2022. View

“This South Korean presidential election is vital”, BIEN News, 18 January 2022. View

“Labour should not back another job furlough” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 30 December 2021. View

“Guy Standing: Power to the precariat”, Renegade Inc, 6 December 2021. Video

“Guy Standing forudså højredrejningen [Guy Standing foresaw the shift to the right]”, Foljeton (Denmark), 27 October 2021. View

“Care and the pandemic: A comment in reply to Sue Himmelweit” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 26 October 2021. View

“Basic income: A new political system on the rise: How would basic income work in practice”, Unbox Your World, 15 October 2021. Podcast

“Rescuing the concept of precarity” (blog), Social Europe, 7 September 2021. View :: in Spanish

“The value of the commons with Guy Standing: Work, class and anger in the precariat”, Policy Forum Pod, Asia and the Pacific Policy Society, 26 August 2021. Podcast

‘L’economista padre del reddito minimo universale: “Indispensabile contro precariato e sfruttamento. Disincentiva il lavoro? Pregiudizio smentito da esperimenti in Canada, Finlandia e Usa” [The economist father of universal basic income: “Essential for the precariat and income security. A disincentive to work? A prejudice contradicted by experiments in Canada, Finland and the USA’ (interview), Il Fatto Quotidiano, 18 August 2021. View

“The threat of extinction: Dismantle rentier capitalism now” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 17 August 2021. View

“UK economist calls for redirecting capitalism to make it more inclusive” (interview), Korea Times, 13 August 2021. View

“The NHS as a social commons: How progressives should respond to its loss” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 5 July 2021. View

“Basic income pilots: Uses, limitations and design principles”, Basic Income Studies 16(1), June 2021, pp.75-99. View

“Chronic corruption’ & neoliberal capitalism’s role in Boris Johnson’s Britain’s 🇬🇧 COVID disaster”, RT Going Underground, 31 May 2021. Video

“Rebuilding the economy after Covid requires a bold new standard: Basic income” (article), New Statesman, 26 May 2021. View

“Support is growing for a universal basic income - and rightly so”, The Conversation, 26 May 2021. View

“Why we should all have a basic income”, RSA Bridges to the Future, 18 May 2021. Podcast

“Why we should support the vaccine waiver” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 11 May 2021. View

'“Smash the idle rich!” (article), The Idler, 5 May 2021. View

“Collapsed European super league typifies today’s rentier capitalism” (blog), Progressive Economy Forum, 22 April 2021. View

“What is UBI? - Part 1”, Let’s Try UBI, Citizen’s Basic Income Trust, 15 February 2021. Podcast

“Basic income with Guy Standing - Part 2” in the Is the Economy Stupid? series by Rethinking Economics Italia, 8 February 2021. Podcast

“Global transformation: The precariat overcoming populism” (essay), Open Democracy, 1 February 2021. View

“Europeans get it: Basic income strengthens resilience” (article), BIEN - Basic Income Earth Network, 28 January 2021. View

“Professor Guy Standing: The crisis would have come anyway” (interview), Executive Magazine (Poland), 26 January 2021. View

“Basic income with Guy Standing - Part 1” in the Is the Economy Stupid? series by Rethinking Economics Italia, 25 January 2021. Podcast

A fuller list of articles and interviews can be found here and more podcasts and videos here.